Επειδή κάποια στιγμή πρέπει να τελειώνουμε με τις ιερές αγελάδες (και) του σταλινισμού.
Mε αφορμή την αντιπροχθεσινή επέτειο της εκτέλεσης του Ερνέστο Γκεβάρα, αναδημοσιεύω ένα "βλάσφημο" -και κλασικό πλέον- κείμενο του Larry Gambone από την Anarchist Library. Η ειδική σημασία της κριτικής του Gambone έγκειται στο ότι δεν προέρχεται από την γνωστή αστική προπαγάνδα, αλλά από τη σκοπιά του επαναστατικού εργατικού κινήματος (όπως θα διαπιστώσουν όσοι διαβάσουν στο σχετικό κεφάλαιο τη "συνεισφορά" του Γκεβάρα στην αιματηρή καταστολή του ανερχόμενου -τότε- αναρχοσυνδικαλισμού στην Κούβα). Όσα αναφέρονται εδώ είναι πλέον πασίγνωστα διεθνώς (εκτός φυσικά από την Ελλάδα, όπου το είδος των δεινοσαύρων δεν έχει εξαφανιστεί ακόμα...). Μια ματιά στους τίτλους των επιμέρους κεφαλαίων (βρίσκονται στην αρχή) είναι αρκετή για να προϊδεάσει ως προς το ότι δεν έχουμε να κάνουμε παρά με έναν ακόμα "άγιο" της διεθνούς σταλινικής υποκουλτούρας (κάτι σαν εκείνον τον γραφικό "δικό" μας, τον Βελουχιώτη). Έναν από ιδιοσυγκρασία φασίστα, με πολλά ψυχολογικά προβλήματα (π.χ. διακατεχόμενον από σύνδρομο "ιερού προορισμού", το οποίο ως γνωστόν υπήρξε το κατεξοχήν κίνητρο πίσω από κάμποσα απ' τα μεγαλύτερα εγκλήματα στην Ιστορία, θρησκευτικά, εθνικιστικά, ιδεολογικοπολιτικά κ.λπ.), ο οποίος βρήκε τελικά ιδεολογικό στέγαστρο στο πιστό αντικαθρέπτισμα του φασισμού, τον σταλινισμό (άλλωστε φασισμός και σταλινισμός ήσαν ανέκαθεν συγκοινωνούντα δοχεία). Ξερόλας, γραφειοκρατίσκος, πιστολάς και πολύτεκνος οικογενειάρχης (λόγω ίσως των χριστιανοκαθολικών καταβολών του δεν ενέκρινε την χρήση προφυλακτικού), εισηγητής της θεωρίας περί "σωτηριακής" βίας, με την εμμονή "ιστορικού προς επιτέλεση έργου" (όπως άλλωστε κάθε σταλινικός ή φασίστας) και τάσεις θανατολάγνου "μαρτυρικού μεγαλείου" (τις οποίες ποτέ δεν έκρυψε), ο μαθητευόμενος αυτός "επαναστάτης", εκτελέστηκε τελικά με μερικές σφαίρες στον κρόταφο (όπως δηλαδή εκτελούσε ο ίδιος τους κομματικά "απείθαρχους" στρατιώτες του). Η αγιοποίησή του (εδραιωμένη προκαταβολικά σε ένα ανάλογο συλλογικό ψυχικό υπόβαθρο, όπως το περιγράφει παραστατικότατα ο Gambone) ακολούθησε μια διαδικασία πανομοιότυπη αυτής των -εξίσου εγκληματιών- χριστιανών αγίων (μερικά πράγματα δεν θα αλλάξουν ποτέ... τουλάχιστον όχι μέχρι να αλλάξουν οι άνθρωποι). Δυστυχώς θύματα αυτής της μυθοποίησης έπεσαν και πολλοί κατά τα άλλα ευφυείς άνθρωποι, ειδικά στις ταραγμένες δεκαετίες του '60 και '70, όπου υπήρχε αυξημένη "ζήτηση" για σύμβολα και όπου όσα αναφέρονται εδώ δεν είχαν γίνει ακόμη ευρέως γνωστά. Σε κάθε περίπτωση όμως, η αγιοποίηση φανερώνει, όχι τόσο τη δύναμη της προπαγάνδας, όσο, κυρίως, την διαχρονική "ανάγκη" της μάζας για κατασκευή αγίων (την οποία τα ιερατεία των θρησκειών και των ιδεολογιών "αξιοποιούν" δεόντως). Και σε κάθε περίπτωση επίσης, την αγιοποίηση ακολουθεί αργά ή γρήγορα η αποκαθήλωση των ψευτομαρτύρων από τον χαρτονένιο "σταυρό" τους. Στα ελληνικά έχει κυκλοφορήσει στο τεύχος 13 (Δεκέμβριος 1998) του περιοδικού Ελευθεριακή Κίνηση. Εδώ είναι στο αγγλικό πρωτότυπο. Είναι σε σχετικά απλά αγγλικά και διαβάζεται ξεκούραστα (ακόμα κι αν κάποιος έχει άγνωστες λέξεις, θα βοηθηθεί από τα συμφραζόμενα). Μπορείτε επίσης να "κατεβάσετε" ολόκληρο αυτό το εξαιρετικά τεκμηριωμένο pamphlet (ελληνιστί: φυλλάδιο) στη μορφή που πρωτοεκδόθηκε, από εδώ και να το έχετε στη βιβλιοθήκη σας.
Θ. Λ.
Larry Gambone
Saint Che: The Truth Behind the Legend of the Heroic Guerilla, Ernesto Che Guevara
The young Che, or “Don’t cry for me, Argentina”
The fascist roots of Che’s world view
Che the stalinist
Che the executioner
Che the bureaucrat
The tragedy of Che Guevara
Che died for our sins
Appendix: The cuban anarcho-syndicalists in the 1950’s.
“Che was the most complete human being of our age.”
— Jean Paul Sartre
A peasant woman lights a candle to the saint and prays that her young
son will get well and the potato crop will be a big one this year. Her
prayers, and the prayers of other peasants, have been answered before,
claim the villagers. “He looked just like Our Lord lying there dead in
the schoolhouse,” she tells the television interviewer. The name of this
miracle-working saint? Ernesto Che Guevara!
Let’s not laugh at these peasants. Don’t look down upon them with
“developed world” arrogance. No doubt Che “does” intervene in their
poverty-stricken lives — as do all the other saints. And who are we to
claim absolute knowledge of the world and human mind and all its
How would Che feel about the incense and candles burnt in his
name? As a militant Communist and atheist he would have dismissed it all
as crude superstition from a reactionary past. How ironic for such a
person to become a saint. But not only Bolivian peasants have reverence
for the dead guerrilla. Thirty years after his murder, his picture is
plastered on the walls of half the student residences of the world. His
stern, ascetic gaze stares out at you from innumerable Tee shirts and
badges. The Che Guevara mystique is all-pervasive.
One can’t help asking whether he deserves this idolatry. At first
glance one could easily give an unqualified affirmative answer. Here
was someone given the Number Two position in Cuba, who stepped down to
fight in the jungle for what he believed was liberation. Sick with
asthma and with a tiny band of followers he was hunted down and murdered
by the Bolivian army. Guevara was also the perfect romantic figure —
handsome, charismatic, and genuinely loved by women. No lifeless
intellectual Stalin-clone he, nor a secret pervert like Mao, or a
megalomaniac like his old friend Fidel, but a real man. He could have
stepped out of any romantic novel.
And he does look Christ-like lying dead in that famous photograph.
Yes, it is possible to understand the fascination that many
people, particularly the young, have with the man. But understanding a
phenomenon is one thing, whether it presents a true picture of reality
is another. For this, we must look behind the mystique.
The young Che, or “Don’t cry for me, Argentina”
During Che Guevara’s formative years, Argentina was dominated by the
Peronist Movement. Peronismo, largely the invention of Peron’s brilliant
wife, Eva, was the nearest thing to perfect fascism that ever existed.
Forget about all the propaganda and foolishness that has
encrusted around the word “fascist.” Forget about Nazi-fascism and the
clerical fascism of Franco and Salazar. By fascism I mean the true
essence of what was a revolutionary movement — or left-wing fascism.
True pure fascism, as envisaged by Mussolini, grew out of the
militant left-wing of Italian Socialism. It was an attempt to impose the
Social Democratic program through dictatorship and armed force. The
movement dispensed with the sterile positivism and evolutionism of
Orthodox Marxism, substituting romantic emotionalism, extreme
nationalism, a cult of the will and of the “man of action.” The goal was
to nationalize industry and subordinate all classes to the needs of the
State. The working classes were to benefit from this revolution — but
only so long as they remained subservient to the Fascist State.
Mussolini’s problem was that he never had the support of the working
class and thus had to turn to the traditional middle classes. Thus much
of his revolution only remained on paper.
This was not the situation which faced the Perons. More than 15
years before they took power, the generals smashed the powerful
anarcho-syndicalist trade unions and only small remnants remained. The
workers were poor, unorganized and voiceless. Eva Duarte-Peron was able
to build a labour movement by filling an organizational vacuum (and
where necessary smashing her weakened opponents). Thus Peronism
(Argentine fascism) had a solid base among the workers. With prodding
from the ever-energetic Evita, the movement nationalized the banks,
insurance companies, mines and railroads. As a result, Argentina had
probably the largest state-capitalist sector outside of a Stalinist
regime. Wages were forced up by decree and a host of social benefits
introduced for Los Descamisados (literally “the shirtless ones,” the
working class followers of the Perons). Even the Church was attacked.
The “anti-imperialist” game was played to an excess, alternating between
violent anti-Americanism and anti-British sentiment. The foreigner was
made the scapegoat for all of Argentina’s problems.
Che Guevara was sympathetic to Peronism and imbibed most of its
ideas. In many ways he was to remain under the spell of Peronist
ideology all his life. In 1955, after he had opted for Stalin, he could
also claim that “we have to give Peron all possible support...” (p. 127)
When Peron fell he stated: “I will confess with all sincerity that the
fall of Peron deeply embittered me...Argentina was the Paladin of all
those who think the enemy is in the North.” (p. 182) During the Cuban
revolution, Che called his new guerrilla recruits Los Descamisados (p.
231), the name Peron gave to his followers.
This affection for Peronism never ceased. Che told Angel
Borlenghi (Peron’s former Minister of the Interior) in 1961, that Peron
was the most advanced embodiment of political and economic reform in
Latin America. [2]
In 1962 Che declared the Peronistas had to be included within
Argentina’s revolutionary front. Fidel asked Peron to visit Cuba. John
Cooke, Peron’s personal representative, visited Cuba and lauded the
Revolution. (p. 539)
The fascist roots of Che’s world view
One can see Peronist (and generally fascist) influence in many
aspects of Che’s thinking. In terms of what was needed to make a
revolution, Che believed that “What was required to make political
headway...was strong leadership and a willingness to use force.” (p. 50)
Che was never concerned about Fidel’s dictatorial and autocratic ways.
He believed the true revolution could only be achieved by a “strongman.”
(p. 319)
He also had the fascist obsession with the will — “will power
will overcome everything... Destiny can be achieved by will power...
Die, yes, but riddled with bullets...a memory more lasting than my name
is to fight to die fighting.” Thus wrote an 18 year old Ernesto Guevara
in 1947. (p. 44) This was not just teen age melodrama. At the age of 25,
while in Guatemala, Che had a “revelation” of which he wrote: “And I
see...how I die as a sacrifice to the true standardizing revolution of
wills...now my body contorts, ready for the fight, and I prepare my
being as if it were a sacred place so that the bestial howling of the
proletariat can resonate.” (p. 124)
Fascist ideology dismisses “moderation” and rational compromise
with contempt, seeing these as weakness and decadence. For Che,
moderation was something to be avoided at all cost and was one “of the
most execrable qualities. Not only am I not moderate, I shall try not
ever to be and when I recognize that the sacred flame within me has
given way to a timid votive light, the least I could do is vomit over my
own shit,” he wrote in 1956. (p. 1 99) Many years later, he expressed
the opinion that “all those who are afraid or considering some form of
treason are moderates.” (p. 477) He had a very poor opinion of populist
revolutionaries such as Venezuela’s Betancourt and Costa Rica’s
Figueres, feeling that their willingness to compromise with the
Americans was a result of weakness and lack of resolve.
Fascism also glorifies war and idolizes militarism and the
military. Che “identified war as the ideal circumstance in which to
achieve socialist consciousness.” (p. 299) He regarded the revolutionary
army as the “principal political arm of the Revolution” and felt that
“freedom of the press was dangerous.” (p. 422)
Rabid nationalism, hate-mongering and the scapegoating of other
nations and peoples has always been an important aspect of fascism. Che
was “obsessed” by the idea the US was to blame for everything. This
scapegoating began to take serious shape on his first motorbike tour of
Argentina in 1950, when he discovered rural poverty. (p. 52) He had a
“...deep-seated hostility toward the US... The only things he liked
about this country were its poets and novelists.” (p. 63) Che once said,
“I’d die with a smile on my lips fighting these people [the
Americans].” (p. 345) He often referred xenophobically to the “blonds of
the North” (but was ever so ready to join those other “blonds of the
North” — the Russians). The positive aspect of African colonialism for
Che was “the hate which colonialism has left in the minds of the
people.” (p. 619)
Nihilism and the view that the “end justifies the means” are
essential fascist traits, (also shared with Marxist-Leninism). All of
the past must be swept away in a great conflagration and a superior “New
Man” created — by force — if necessary. The New Man is necessary — for
the Old Man — present humanity — is weak and bourgeois and is only
useful as cannon-fodder in the struggle for the glorious future. To
sacrifice a generation or two for the cause is nothing to get upset
about according to the fascist mentality. As he stated, “almost
everything we thought and felt in the past epoch should be filed away,
and a new type of human being created.” (p. 479)
His willingness to sacrifice innumerable lives for the “glorious
future” made the beatings and imprisonments administered by the Perons
seem gentle by comparison. After the Russians withdrew their rockets,
ending the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, Che “fumed over the Soviet
betrayal,” and told the Daily Worker (London) reporter “if the missiles
had been under Cuban control, they would have fired them off.” The
reporter “thought he was crackers from the way he went on about the
missiles.” (p. 545) In 1965 he demanded a revolutionary and apocalyptic
world war, even if it unleashed the atomic bomb. “Thousands of people
will die everywhere...But that should not worry us...” (emphasis added).
Out of this mass destruction the new socialist order was supposed to
arise. (p. 604)
Che’s plan for the ill-fated Bolivian campaign entailed that
“Bolivia [was] to be sacrificed for the cause of creating the conditions
for revolutions in neighboring countries.” The idea was to cause new
Vietnam-type wars in Latin America, thereby pinning down and weakening
the US. This was to cause Russia and China, plus the Third World
guerrilla movements to unite in one powerful block to then destroy the
United States. (p. 703) Once again, even though such a scheme might
bring about atomic war.
Che’s message to the Tricontinental meeting in Havana in April
1967 brought his fascist, nihilist, and romantic impulses to a gory
climax. He desired nothing less than a “long and cruel” global
confrontation. The important quality required in this world war was “ a
relentless hatred...impelling us above and beyond the natural
limitations that man is heir to, transforming him into an effective,
violent, seductive and cold killing machine...” (emphasis added). This
war must be “total” and waged inside the US as well as without, waged
until the American’s “moral fiber begins to decline,” which was to be
symptomatic of US “decadence.” “How close we look into a bright future
should two, three many Vietnams flourish... Our every action a battle
hymn for the people’s unity against the greatest enemy of mankind: the
USA. Wherever death may surprise us, let It be welcome.” (p. 719) It
must be mentioned that the glorification of death is a distinctly
fascist trait and the Falangist “Long Live Death!” is echoed in the
Castroite slogan, “Patria o Muerte!” i.e., “Nation Or Death!”
Che the stalinist
By 1955, Che had become a convinced Stalinist, writing, “ I have
sworn before a picture of the old and mourned comrade Stalin that I
won’t rest until I see these capitalist octopuses annihilated.” (p. 126)
He “had remained a sceptic [about marxism] until his discovery of
Stalin in books” while in Guatemala. (p. 565) (Che always had some level
of sympathy for the USSR and wrote off anti-communism as an example of
low culture.)
It is not that difficult to make the passage from fascism to
Stalinism (or the reverse for that matter). The similarities between the
two ideologies — the glorification of violence, dictatorship, statism,
nationalism, the scapegoating — tend to outweigh their differences.
Where there is a difference is in the realm of philosophy. Stalinism,
unlike fascism, still clings to the pseudo-scientific baggage of
marxism. Belief that the “laws of social development” are on their side
give the Stalinists a sense of psychological comfort. It also creates an
unbridgeable contradiction — an underlying philosophy which is woodenly
deterministic combined with a practice which is highly voluntaristic.
(The Party being “the subject of history” — i.e., the group that makes
the revolution and controls the future development of the socialist
For Che’s foco theory, which dispenses with the Party and the
mass movement in favor of a tiny band of guerrillas, this contradiction
is intensified to the ultimate degree. See the difficulty with which he
tries to overcome this problem: Around the time of the Bay of Pigs
Invasion (1962) Che wrote, “The peasant class of America, basing itself
on the ideology of the working class, whose great thinkers discovered
the social laws governing us.” However, what was missing was the
so-called subjective factor — “the consciousness of the possibility of
victory” which was to be galvanized by the guerrilla band’s armed
struggle. (p. 505)
As a Stalinist, Che had some extremely important duties to
perform in the interest of the Communist movement and the Soviet Union.
The first of these was to orient the 26 of July Movement in the
direction of Stalinism. Very few of the 26 July Movement were Communists
or even Communist sympathizers. Other revolutionary groups like the
Directorate or the Anarchists were militantly anti-Stalinist. (Che and
Raul Castro were Stalinists, Fidel was very friendly to the CP but quiet
about it.) Che became the “key participant in the delicate talks with
the Popular Socialist Party” (Cuban Communist Party). (p. 363) He
“worked secretly to cement ties with the PSP.” (p. 389) The alliance
between 26 July and the PSP had to be secret not to split the
revolutionary movement and arouse American hostility. Most Cuban
patriots hated the CP, which was very late in getting into the struggle
and had formerly been in alliance with Batista!
After the Revolution, Che became the liaison between the KGB and
the new revolutionary government, when relations between Cuba and Russia
had to be clandestine not to anger the average Cuban and frighten the
US State Department. (p. 440) As the former KGB agent who was involved
with him stated, “Che was practically the architect of our relations
with Cuba.” (p. 492) Nor was this the only relation he had with the
Russians. The nuclear missile deal with Russia which almost started
World War III was also concluded by Che. (p. 530)
By 1963 Che had become despondent, as he realized the Russian
model, which in his naiveté he had passionately embraced, was not very
good. (p. 565) Soon after, evidently not learning from his mistakes with
Russian Stalinism, he became enamoured of Chinese Stalinism, writing,
“sacrifice is fundamental...the Chinese understand this very well, much
better than the Russians do.” (p. 605) Earlier on, Che also had “special
praise” for China and North Korea. (p. 495)
Che the executioner
In the Sierra Maestra Che was always quick to demand execution for
guerrillas and local peasants who were not up to his standards.
“Informers, insubordinates, malingerers and deserters” got a bullet in
the head. Fidel was far more tolerant of human frailty and reversed
several of Che’s execution orders. Executions were quite frequent during
the guerrilla campaign. (p. 231) He was “notoriously severe” with his
punishments. One time he threatened to shoot a number of guerrillas who
had gone on a hunger strike over the bad provisions. Only Fidel’s
intervention stopped him. (p. 346)
Shortly after the fall of Batista, Che helped to form the C-2 or
the new secret police. He was also in charge of purging the army and
government bureaucracy of “traitors, spies, and Batista henchmen.”
However, it was mostly minor individuals that were arrested, since the
officers and top bureaucrats fled with the dictator. Che was the
“supreme prosecutor” who made the final decision to execute or not. (p.
385) And execute he did. Che was “merciless,” (p. 390) and between
January and April 1959 more than 550 people were shot by firing squad.
(p. 419) By January 1960 alleged Batista supporters were not the only
ones getting the bullet. Some young Catholics were executed for
distributing anti-communist leaflets. (p. 458)
Che is implicated in the destruction of Cuban
anarcho-syndicalism, (and Trotskyism as well). Cuba in the 1950’s was
the scene of the last of the great Latin American syndicalist movements.
(See Appendix.) Libertarians controlled many trade unions and were an
important anti-Batista force. The anarchists had survived the Machado
and Batista dictatorships but did not survive two years of Castroism. By
1962 the movement was down to 20 or 30 members, hundreds of others
having fled into exile, imprisoned or executed. For anyone still
harboring any illusions about Che’s alleged libertarianism, the
following quote should put this to rest: “Individualism...must disappear
in Cuba...[it] should be the proper utilization of the whole individual
for the absolute benefit of the community.” (p. 478) Such an opinion on
the individual was about as far removed from libertarianism as you
could possibly get.
Che the bureaucrat
Late in 1959 university autonomy — which had managed to survive under
Batista — was abolished with Che’s approval. A new State curriculum was
introduced (p. 449) and the universities became simple tools of the
In 1960 the National Institute of Agrarian Reform (INRA) was
formed under Che. This organization took control of the entire economy.
initially though, its job was to run the State “co-ops.” (p. 458) Now, a
State Co-op is a contradiction in terms, for co-ops are by nature
voluntary associations and locally owned and managed. What INRA did was
to nationalise existing co-operatives (some of which were anarchist) and
set up a host of new phoney co-ops — essentially state farms. On
February 20 1960, Che announced “Soviet-style planning” for Cuba, (p.
462) something that had been his desire all along. (Che’s tenure as head
of the Cuban economy was a total disaster and probably helped propel
him toward his suicidal Bolivian exploit.)
As head of the Cuban economy, Che was ultimately responsible for
the abolition of workers’ rights and of the destruction of the
independent trade union movement. Of the former, by late 1960, workers
had lost the right to strike, job security, sick leave, the 44 hour
week, overtime at time and a half, paid vacations, and were forced to do
“voluntary labor.” [3]
As for the trade unions, as well as liquidating anarcho-syndicalism,
the regime tried to get the Communist Party slate elected to the
leadership of the Cuban Labor Confederation (CTC). This was rejected by
90% of the delegates. The Stalinists were imposed from above by the
State. The leader of the CTC, David Salvador, an important member of the
26th of July Movement, no less, was sentenced to 30 years in
prison for his opposition to the Stalinist takeover of his union. He
spent his time behind bars in a prison with some 700 other political
prisoners, many of whom, no doubt, were trade unionists. [4]
Che’s guilt in these matters could not be plainer, for in October 1960
he stated, “the destiny of unions is to disappear” and supported Law
647, by which “The Minister of Labor can take control of any union,
dismiss officials and appoint others...” [5]
The tragedy of Che Guevara
Che stripped of the mythology isn’t too pretty a sight — unless you
admire people who are full of hate, violence and apologies for
despotism. But let’s not go too far with this. Che was no reptile-eyed
sociopath like Stalin or some bloodless intellectual fanatic such as Pol
Pot. Until he became the guerrilla Savonarola of the Sierra Maestra, he
was noted for being a joker and a prankster. A hippie before his time, a
lover of poetry, late night conversations, travel, soccer, food,
motorcycles and women. Few of his friends could believe the
transformation that had overcome their old pal El Chancho after he went
to Cuba. (El Chancho was his nickname and means “The Pig.” He was called
this because of his fondness for dirty, ragged clothing and his
aversion to bathing — one of his ways of rebelling against his upper
class origins.) Che was essentially a normal but rebellious, intelligent
and well read young man.
Something happened to him. Yes, he had absorbed many of the
unpleasant ideas of Peron, but so had lots of people. Such individuals
went on with their lives and were not destroyed by an ideology. Politics
really wasn’t all that important to Che until he went to Guatemala.
There he discovered an ideology which “clicked” with his underlying
beliefs and prejudices, seemed to explain the world and give his life
substance and meaning. Che was a fundamentally normal, decent human
being who became a slave of a cruel secular religion. His belief system
consumed him, forcing him to do things he would not normally do. He made
himself hard and fanatical. As his father, Guevara-Lynch stated,
“Ernesto brutalized his sensibilities to become a revolutionary.” His
mother characterized this new Ernesto as “intolerant and fanatical.” His
parents were not opposed to left-wing politics, only what these
politics were doing to their son. (p. 605)
Che was, for all his reading, essentially naive. Consider the
naiveté of becoming a Stalinist in 1955, not breaking with the cult
during the Khrushchev revelations of 1956 (when thousands of Western
intellectuals fled the CP) and then, at the very end, wishing to
exchange Russian Stalinism for the Chinese variety. It’s not that the
horrors of Stalinism were not well known — we didn’t need Solzhenitzyn
to tell us about the gulag — any anarchist, trotskyist or anti-Stalinist
socialist could have told him the truth. Perhaps one did, but he must
have refused to listen.
His personal cult of the will was also naive, ultimately leading
him to his death. In spite of adhering to a belief system which
incessantly dodders on about “the material conditions,” he ignored
“material reality” in his last ill-fated struggle. How could he brush
aside the fact that the Bolivian peasants had gotten land during the
populist revolution of 1952 and were not interested in another armed
uprising? How could he not know this? Look at his statement to the
Tricontinentai — as though attacking a country would break the will of
its people — as though he could scare the Americans into defeat.
Anybody who knows history, knows well this is not the case —
trying to terrorize a nation only heightens the resolve of its people.
And if the US was the “greatest enemy of mankind,” what then was Russia
(or China) with its tens of millions slaughtered at the whims of
megalomaniac dictators?
How could he not know these things? Was it because he didn’t want to?
There is no denying Che was physically very courageous, time and
time again he put himself in the greatest danger in the guerrilla
struggle. He was a truly brave warrior. While harsh in his methods, he
was no hypocrite — his sacrifices, his sufferings, were examples to his
men. But physical courage is not that rare, many front line soldiers
have it, some criminals as well. Many people who belong to the worst
sort of political or religious cults act with immense bravery.
Another matter is the combination of physical and moral courage.
The latter he did not have, and no one does who believes the “end
justifies the means.” To show moral courage, he, or anyone else in his
position, would have to be willing to sacrifice the revolution for
higher humanitarian principles. Better no revolution than one based upon
terror and mass murder. Better to risk the organization than shoot
peasants who want to go home (“deserters”). But for Che, as for
Stalinists, fascists and all fanatics in general, such principles were
examples of weakness and liberal sentimentality. In fairness however,
the combination of physical and moral courage is very rare. How many of
us have both these traits? [6]
Che reflected his environment but did not transcend it. He was a
mirror image of the Peronism, romanticism, machismo, and xenophobia so
prevalent in 1950’s Argentina. His sympathy for Stalinism was something
shared by most intellectuals of the time. Even his bohemianism fit the
common pattern for well-read upper class youth. The truly Great Man or
Great Woman transcends his or her era and social environmental
influences, breaking the time-worn habits and giving rise to a new set
of ideas. Che, stripped of his immense courage and fanatical zeal, was
therefore essentially an average man. [7]
Che died for our sins
Che was Everyman not “a complete man” as Sartre, that most incomplete
of men, claimed. (Sartre never met a left-wing dictator or terrorist he
didn’t like.) Che is every one of us who has ever felt like killing a
political opponent. Che is every one of us who has hated someone with a
different viewpoint. Che is everyone of us who has become sucked into
the vortex of some political cult-ideology. Che is every one of us who
has apologized for a terrorist act. Che is everyone of us who has ever
believed in “by any means necessary.” Che is me. Che is you. Che only
put into determined action the hates and fears we feel inside. He was a
normal man, not a pervert like Hitler or Stalin — despots who can simply
be written off as monsters and thus have no relationship to me and my
possible courses of action. Che, in a sense, “died for the sins” of
normal people trapped in ideology, constricted by moral weakness and
psychological problems they are incapable of resolving in a constructive
Che doesn’t sound much like a saint, does he? But there is one
thing to take into account — the greatest sinner can sometimes become a
saint. Only one example of this was St. Paul, who at one time was a
violent persecutor of Christians. Of course, Che was murdered before he
had a chance to see his errors, and given his hard-headedness he may not
have ever done so, but who knows? However, his suffering,
self-destruction (and destruction of others) and his ultimate failure
serve as an example for young people for all time. DO NOT FOLLOW THIS
PATH! If Che’s sacrifice dissuades the young from falling into this
ideologically created hell, perhaps he deserves the mantle of sainthood.
Maybe then, we should burn a candle to St. Che, And pray, “Please, no more heroic guerrillas!”
— Larry Gambone, September 1997
Appendix: The cuban anarcho-syndicalists in the
The most important Cuban anarchist organization
was the Libertarian Association of Cuba (ALC). Here below is a partial listing
of their groups:
Pinar del Rio
ALC members participated in the leadership of
the tobacco workers, electricians, construction workers, carpenters, bank
employees and medical workers unions. Also produced local radio programs.
San Juan y Martinez
led the
tenant farmers union.
San Crisobal
led the
Agrarian Association, the sugar workers and tobacco workers unions.
led tobacco
workers and produced radio programs.
involved in
leadership of electricians, food workers, transport, shoemakers, fishermen,
woodworkers, medical, metal and construction unions. Some influence in student
and professional associations. Published El Libertario (at one time a daily
newspaper) and the monthly, Solidaridad Gastronomica (of the food workers
union) and produced weekly public forums and radio programs.
Arroyo Narajo
Parent-Teacher Association, the local Cultural Association and the Consumer
led salt
workers union.
Ciego de Avila
radio programs as well as influenced peasant association, sugar workers and medical
workers unions.
led peasant
union, established land co-op, led “various unions.”
Santiago de Cuba
influence in food workers union.
and led Coffee Producers Co-op.
The ALC also
“had some influence” in at least one trade union or popular association in 23
other towns. (Taken from The Cuban Revolution — A
Critical Perspective, by Sam Dolgoff, Black Rose Books, Montreal,
pages 56–59.)
[1] The numbers in parentheses refer to the page numbers of Che — A Revolutionary Life by John Lee Anderson, Grove Press NY, 1997. This is the definitive biography of Guevara, containing much heretofore unobtainable documentation. Anderson’s work has been attacked by critics as a “hagiography.” He is sympathetic to Che and some of the ideology that motivated him. But this only serves to make the quotations even more devastating to the mythical image.
[1] The numbers in parentheses refer to the page numbers of Che — A Revolutionary Life by John Lee Anderson, Grove Press NY, 1997. This is the definitive biography of Guevara, containing much heretofore unobtainable documentation. Anderson’s work has been attacked by critics as a “hagiography.” He is sympathetic to Che and some of the ideology that motivated him. But this only serves to make the quotations even more devastating to the mythical image.
[2] The Cuban Revolution — A Critical Perspective, Sam Dolgoff, Black Rose Books, Montreal, p. 27
[3] ibid., p. 99
[4] ibid., p. 100
[5] ibid., p. 180
Some examples would be practitioners of non-violence such as Gandhi or
Martin Luther King. Warrior intellectuals such as George Orwell, Albert
Camus and Simone Weil belong there as well.
Of course, nobody completely transcends their origins and history. The
above list of morally courageous persons could also apply as examples of
people who have broken with the dominant patterns.
[8] The problem is that the left still upholds him as someone to emulate.
The Stranglers - No More Heroes (1978)
Whatever happened to Leon Trotsky?
He got an ice pick
That made his ears burn
Whatever happened to dear old Lenny?
The great Elmyra, and Sancho Panza?
Whatever happened to the heroes?
Whatever happened to the heroes?
Whatever happened to all the heroes?
All the Shakespearoes?
They watched their Rome burn
Whatever happened to the heroes?
Whatever happened to the heroes?
No more heroes any more
No more heroes any more
Whatever happened to all the heroes?
All the Shakespearoes?
They watched their Rome burn
Whatever happened to the heroes?
Whatever happened to the heroes?
No more heroes any more
No more heroes any more
Whatever happened to Leon Trotsky?
He got an ice pick
That made his ears burn
Whatever happened to dear old Lenny?
The great Elmyra, and Sancho Panza?
Whatever happened to the heroes?
Whatever happened to the heroes?
Whatever happened to all the heroes?
All the Shakespearoes?
They watched their Rome burn
Whatever happened to the heroes?
Whatever happened to the heroes?
No more heroes any more
No more heroes any more
Whatever happened to all the heroes?
All the Shakespearoes?
They watched their Rome burn
Whatever happened to the heroes?
Whatever happened to the heroes?
No more heroes any more
No more heroes any more
Αν ο Τσε ήταν όπως τον "περιγράφεις", δεν θα έπιναν νερό στο όνομά του οι λαοί της λατινικής Αμερικής.
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήΜέσα στον ολοκληρωτικό μηδενισμό και αρνητισμό που σε δέρνει, θα έπρεπε να ξεπλένεις το στόμα σου, πριν μιλήσεις για μερικούς όπως εκείνος.
Όπως πίνουν νερό στο όνομα των εγκληματιών χριστιανών αγίων οι μισοί λαοί της Γης;
ΔιαγραφήΦοβερό επιχείρημα! Χαχαχαχα! Με αποστόμωσες!
Το στόμα μου το ξεπλένω ΚΑΘΕ φορά που μιλάω για "αγίους": πάντα φτύνω αμέσως μετά.
(εσύ από ό,τι κατάλαβα ανάβεις κεράκια)
Tί έχει πει ενδεικτικά ο Γκεβάρα για τον Στάλιν, τον Κιμ Ιλ Σουνγκ και άλλους δικτάτορες και δικτατορίσκους (http://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/various-authors-che-guevara-why-anarchists-should-view-him-critically.pdf)
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήon Stalin
“I have sworn before a picture of the old and mourned comrade Stalin that I won’t rest until I
see these capitalist octopuses annihilated” “I have come to communism because of daddy Stalin and
nobody must come and tell me that I mustn’t read Stalin. I read him when it was very bad to read him.
That was another time. And because I’m not very bright, and a hard-headed person, I keep on reading
him. Especially in this new period, now that it is worse to read him. Then, as well as now, I still find
a Seri of things that are very good.”
on Kim Il Sung
impressed him “the most,” and the model [he told the press] “to which revolutionary Cuba should
Σε τσούζει φασιστάκο ο Τσε κι' ο Βελουχιώτης, ε; Ξύδι, θα τσούξει κι άλλο. Ακόμα δεν αρχίσαμε...